Manhattan Baby
German title: Amulett des Bösen
Francaise title: La malédiction du pharaon
Greek title: Η κατάρα της μούμιας
Russian title: Проклятое дитя
Original title: Manhattan Baby
Alternative titles:
Il malocchio | The Possessed | Eye of the Evil Dead | I katara tis Moumias
Horror movie – Italy
Production year: 1982
Movie length: 89 minutes
Director: Lucio Fulci
Writer: Elisa Livia Briganti, Dardano Sacchetti
Cinematograph: Guglielmo Mancori
Music: Fabio Frizzi
Manhattan Baby
Movie description:
Archaelogists open egyptian tomb and release evil spirit. Daughter of one of the professors gets possessed by freed enity and the gorey murders begin.
Boy Actors
Giovanni Frezza
(Tommy Hacker, 10 years old)
Birthday: 08.09.1972

Age of the actor:
approximately 9 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Andrass into the movie list!
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